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Estate Planning
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It Can Happen – Are you Prepared?

Are you risk averse? Do you like to gamble? Do you like to “let the dice roll”? Even though most of us do not like taking risks, that is exactly what happens when dealing with your estate. More than two-thirds of Americans have no estate plan in place (67% of Americans have no estate plan. Here’s how to get started on one (cnbc.com)). That is a scary thought when we all know 100% of us will ultimately die.

Ten years ago, Hurricane Sandy hit the Jersey Shore. I was born and raised in New Jersey, so this hit home. During a charity concert, the emcee, Jon Stewart, said something that stuck with me. He said that the people in New York and New Jersey are very giving and supportive of people throughout the country, but they never thought something like Sandy would happen to them. But it did.

We all have similar thoughts, “it won’t happen to me.” Unfortunately, it can. And when it comes to death, it will (just hopefully not any time soon).

The key thing is to be prepared. You need to have your affairs in order – especially your legal documents. As an estate planning attorney, my goal is to help make sure you are prepared. So your family has the comfort knowing that you have taken all of the appropriate measures to make that difficult time a little easier.

Take the time now so you can answer, “I am prepared.”